Friday, January 23, 2009

I met a weirdo yesterday.

Alright so, being new to my college it's only natural I would want to make friends right? Totally. So, in one of my classes there is a girl that looks like...well now that i'm thinking about it she kinds reminds me of the girl with the pixie sticks from the breakfast club. So, we're walking out of class and I ask her what she thinks of Thomas Jefferson (we had just been talking about him in class) and from there the conversation carries on as we both walk to the library and sit down and continue talking. I talk about my interests: art, drawing, scary movies and a big one music. I ask her what kind of music she listens to and....she says she doesn't like to tell people what kind of music she listens to. This...I found to be a bit weird. We keep talking and I talk about what I like and she tells me the only people she thinks of when she thinks of music are Britney Spears and The Backstreet Boys. Now...i'm a pretty laid-back person, so up until now I was only slightly...scared. Then I tell her, I don't listen to the radio because I just listen to whatever I stumble upon while i'm surfing I-tunes and shes tells me she doesn't listen to the radio either she listens to Japanese/Chinese music (I can't remember which) and if she DOES listen to the radio its Japanese/Chinese radio. Um............I didn't know there was Oriental radio in the northwest parts of Washington and....yeah. That was it. I'm officially scared to let myself be that vulnerable again. I put myself out there, and what happens? Oriental radio happens. If you live in the northwest part of Washington and you listen to, or know someone who listens to oriental radio...can you tell me why? Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Have you figured out why she doesn't like to tell people what kind of music she listens to?
    Cuz...they BLOG ABOUT HER!
