Friday, January 23, 2009

I don't care where you went in fourth grade and neither does the rest of the class....

Alright so today in one of my classes we are discussing native american culture and their houses and on the white board my teacher has a picture of the outside of an indian hut, then he shows the inside of it. Some kid in my class goes "Hey, i've been there" and i'm thinking....I don't really care, shut the hell up......unfortuately he continues "yeah it was really cool, and fascinating"....i'm thinking what the hell is wrong with you?.........he continues" i've been in that exact hut"...i'm thinking shut the fuck up, you tool. What I should have done is raised my hand and said "I've been to Minnie Mouse's house does that make me cool and intelligent because I know her oven doesn't really work and is made out of fiberglass?" Then I should have answered my own question and said "No, it does NOT make me cool and intelligent and neither does you visiting some crazy indian house now shut the fuck up so I can learn about how we extorted the indians". If you are in college and feel the need to share useless information like this that no one cares about I would love to know why? Thank you.

I met a weirdo yesterday.

Alright so, being new to my college it's only natural I would want to make friends right? Totally. So, in one of my classes there is a girl that looks like...well now that i'm thinking about it she kinds reminds me of the girl with the pixie sticks from the breakfast club. So, we're walking out of class and I ask her what she thinks of Thomas Jefferson (we had just been talking about him in class) and from there the conversation carries on as we both walk to the library and sit down and continue talking. I talk about my interests: art, drawing, scary movies and a big one music. I ask her what kind of music she listens to and....she says she doesn't like to tell people what kind of music she listens to. This...I found to be a bit weird. We keep talking and I talk about what I like and she tells me the only people she thinks of when she thinks of music are Britney Spears and The Backstreet Boys. Now...i'm a pretty laid-back person, so up until now I was only slightly...scared. Then I tell her, I don't listen to the radio because I just listen to whatever I stumble upon while i'm surfing I-tunes and shes tells me she doesn't listen to the radio either she listens to Japanese/Chinese music (I can't remember which) and if she DOES listen to the radio its Japanese/Chinese radio. Um............I didn't know there was Oriental radio in the northwest parts of Washington and....yeah. That was it. I'm officially scared to let myself be that vulnerable again. I put myself out there, and what happens? Oriental radio happens. If you live in the northwest part of Washington and you listen to, or know someone who listens to oriental radio...can you tell me why? Thank you.

I TOTALLY sat with One armed Girl...

That's right. I TOTALLY sat with one-armed girl in the library a few days ago. I'm am totally fascinated with this girl because....she has one arm. Now, in my opinion people are already fascinating enough with two arms but come on now. One arm?! That's like walking down the cookie aisle in the store and seeing "Winter-time Oreos" with red filling in the middle. The regular white-filling Oreos are tasty enough but red? That's freakin awesome. Anyways, so it's been a couple weeks since school started so of course i've been judging her and trying to figure out what kind of person she is and I have come up with......nothing. I have no clue because I honestly need to grow a pair and be more out-going....I don't have any balls. My aunt has balls, MAJOR ballage, me? Not so much. Anyways, one day I see One armed girl sitting in the library doing stuff so I least half a ball and muster up the courage to ask to sit down. So I sit down and then out of nowhere she just starts talking to me about how she has an english test coming up today but she didn't know and she didn't study, and she didn't study because she didn't know and this blows and blah blah. Not gonna lie...One armed girl kinda freaked me out a bit because she just started talking so much. Kinda scared me. I'm not sure if she's a weirdo or not. I just sat there and we didn't talk anymore and I have not talked to her since. I'm not sure what to do. If there should be any viewers out there feel free to share any information you have reguarding one armed people and whether or not they are weirdos. Thank you.

First Blog Friday!

Alright SO this is my first blog containing information about my life so if you're reading this you should feel extremely privileged. SO to be able to talk about the crazy things that go on in my life I first need to tell you about the people in it. First of all I live with my Aunt and Uncle. I will refer to them as Aunt, and Uncle. Second, I have just begun going to college and....lets be honest here I don't know anyone and I have no friends. blows. Do I feel like a loser? Why yes. Yes I do. I just have....acquaintances and...I don't know their real names. So I will refer to them by their...imaginary and very fake names.